
Monday, 29 November 2010

keeping my eye on the ball

Two things have stuck in my mind since my Samaritans training on Saturday.

The first is a comment one of the trainers made. She said 'if you're one of those people who bottle things up or can't ask for help, or take it when it's offered, you might as well leave now because you'll have left 6 months down the line.'

The second was the bullet point announcing a whole module on the importance of good eye contact - for face to face callers, the 'phones aren't snazzy ones with eyes.

There's no inherent problem with these statements beyond the fact that I do find it quite unbelievably hard to ask for help and sometimes can't look someone in the eye at all..... however, I'm looking at this as a new start.

That might be naive. It might, at worst, be a dangerous path to go down but I believe it will be fine and I think I need to prove to myself that it can be.

1 comment:

  1. I think in part the training is to help you recognise where you have areas you need to focus on so you don't project your issues onto someone else. When I did the counselling part of my mother supporter training some of the aspects covered really gave me a shake and a realisation that yes, there are things I need to do

    I'm going to be really interested to read how the training goes - good luck
